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content strategy

Owned content is the most efficient way to create awareness and drive growth. So how can you compete for attention with the big guys? Read on.


fast, flexible & findable

This three-step solution can help you fully monetize your content, now and into the future. Check out our free consultation to learn more.

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the content strategy sprint


We'll examine your existing content, establish an analytical performance baseline, identify topic hierarchies and develop a plan for your best and worst performing content.

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content engagement baseline

content process improvement


search engine optimization audit

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content engagement baseline

content process improvement


search engine optimization audit

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content engagement baseline

A holistic look at your content and the engagement that content received will give you a sense of where you came from--and how far you have to go. 

content process improvement

We'll take a look at how you are currently building content, examining your content management system, templates and practices to find efficiencies and improve productivity. 


seo audit

Creating an optimization strategy to monetize your existing content starts with determining your overall visibility. Rankings, competitive keywords, search authority, backlink profile--where are you most visible and most invisible? 


the content strategy sprint

seo competitor analysis

Like a competitive analysis for search. JSC will identify the keywords your competitors are ranking for and create a plan for you to go after them. 

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keyword targeting

backlink profile


on-page optimization

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keyword targeting

A comprehensive and proprietary look inside your keywords and how they compare to your competitors. By examining keyword and content intent gaps, we can prioritize content creation and optimization efforts. 

backlink profile

Links remain one of the most important ranking signals for major search engines. They are also a great way to identify potential partnerships and topics your customers may be interested in. 


on-page optimization

Each page on your site will get a top-to-bottom audit to identify optimization opportunities, allowing you the ability to create authoritative content around the keywords helping your competitors most. 

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keyword targeting

backlink profile


on-page optimization


the content strategy sprint

content gap analysis

Once we have a view into your content and the content of your competitors, we'll identify the most lucrative gaps in your content and create a plan to fill them. 

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keyword-content gap

search intent


content offer update

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keyword-content guide

Identifying what content exists (and doesn't exist) for your top keywords allows you to compete for rank positions and fulfill unmet needs for your future customers. 

search intent

To build content that will delight searchers of your top keywords, you have to know the searcher's intent. Are they looking to answer a question or make a purchase? Meet them where they are and you'll get noticed.


content offer update

Every content strategy needs offers--chances for your potential customers to show their intent by filling out a form or downloading a report. Are your offers sufficiently covering your most lucrative topic areas?

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keyword-content gap

search intent


content offer update


the content strategy sprint
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topic hierarchies

After a thorough look at the market and where your company sits in competitive searches, it is time to build authority. This requires re-organizing your website into hierarchies that display your depth of knowledge.

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content categorization

pillar content


supporting content

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content categorization

pillar content


supporting content

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content categorization

By breaking down your existing content into categories and topic areas, we can examine the through-lines that have sparked the attention of your current and former prospects.  

pillar content

The process of building search authority starts with high-level content pieces that showcase a breadth of knowledge across a complex topic. This content is not only good for search, it also provides valuable data on the interest and intent of your visitors.


supporting content

From downloadable reports to blog posts to infographics, each topic needs supporting content to provide depth, answer more specific questions for users further down the sales funnel, and showcase your authority for broad and long-tail searches. 


the content strategy sprint

local seo

Are you looking to target people in local areas? Do you have offices or stores all across the country and need to target each market individually? JSC has the experience to help you create a local SEO operation that will get you noticed--no matter where you set up shop.

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maps support

localized content


data aggregators

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maps support

localized content


data aggregators

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maps support

Get all your locations listed on mapping platforms like Google Maps, Apple Maps and more. Take full advantage of features like geofencing, digital couponing and localized reviews. 

localized content updates

Ranking for localized services requires building landing pages at each local level--state, city and individual location. Restructure your URLs, focus on address and offer access to localized information like individual office reviews and employee bios. 


local data aggregators

Local data aggregators collect data on businesses all over the world. Getting listed with these platforms is essential as they are used as backup sources to add authority to search engines and social media platforms, as well as piping directly into additional location-based platforms. 


schedule your consultation!

Bring your challenges. We'll create a suite of services, a timeline and a project plan tailored to your business.